Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I am going to try and keep the momentum going and jump right into Micah joining our family.

Micah is my Valentine!  Literally!  He was due on Valentines day and he was actually born on his due date. Again I had the epidural and it was as heavenly as ever.  Once again we struggled with names.  Surprisingly, we only ever had trouble with the boys.   The girls had their names picked out way in advance, but with the boys, we always waited to see what they looked like.

Micah was definitely a Micah!  Here is the 'before' shot.  I still had 2 months left to go, yikes!

Here we are 1 day old...isn't he precious?

This one always makes me laugh....what a classic Evy face!!

I told you he was my little valentine.

Here he is in his blessing outfit!  Gramma webster made the vest and Gramma Brinton made the blanket.

Micah was as good natured as a baby as Maren and Evy.  Always happy and smiley.  Very calm and relaxed.  He slept well, and a lot.  The kids were big enough to all be good helpers  The only sad thing was that I got thrush in the first few weeks of nursing him and it never really got better.  Nursing was sooo painful that I had to quit at 3 months and switch to bottles.  That was Hard!  I loved nursing my babies and I had a feeling he might be my last and I didn't want it to end.  The pain took over though and we made the switch.  He did just fine.

Here's a few more pics of our MicahBoy!  Sharlee and I went to visit Gramma and Grampa Webster  on the mission in Salt Lake.  I think this was in April.  Anyway, we finally got a picture of him having a bath in gramma's sink!

What a happy guy!  I love that grin!

Momma's little helper.  We were fixing and sewing some dresses for Mom.  I think Eden was finished her snack and was wanting to be let out.  She's so cute...even when she's upset!

Look at that face....and the dimple!

4 months old now and he's sitting up!  what a big boy!

Cool Dude!!!!

Micah has always been full of personality.  He keeps me laughing all day with funny faces, and he says the funniest things.  He is full of questions, and mischief!  He is always getting into something and wanting to see how much he can get away with.  I am learning a lot of patience now that I am a mother of 4.

As much as I may get frustrated sometimes...I love being a mom.  I wish I was better at it and made less mistakes...but I guess that is the point of families.  We are all learning together.  It will be fun to take a few trips down memory lane and record more of the fun memories of the kids in the early years.  

I think I'll start jumping back and forth between past and present from now on.  Try to keep track of all the fun things that happen everyday around our house, and mix in a little from our past adventures.

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