Monday, October 4, 2010

The Addition....finally!

Here is a look at what our crazy yard looks like most of the time. It seems like I just get one mess cleaned up and then we make a new one.  

We are starting to build the walls of the garage.  Too bad we had such a windy day.  Surprisingly, it went up quite quickly. The back wall first.

Then the side.

Micah was such a great little helper.  He helped pound in the nails after they were air nailed in.  Sometimes they just don't get in all the way.  Thanks buddy!

All the kids decided to get in on the action and create little projects.

I love Maren's flower... what a girl!

I think Evy was trying to make a chair?

And the front and little side go up!  Thanks for all the friends and Family who came to help lift this last wall - it was HEAVY and awkward!

Next come the floor joists - and if you're wondering how we got them up there - it was difficult.

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