Monday, October 4, 2010

Onward and Upward.

I guess it was mostly Upward.  I am so thankful for great neighbors, family, friends and Home Teachers!  HUGE thanks to Richard for working so tirelessly on our project.  We know you're busy and we really do appreciate your time. After we had sheeted what we could it was time to lift the trusses up on top.  This happened quite late at night so I apologize for the poor quality of the pictures.  Once again...a BIG Thank you to Shane.  He brought his tractor and helped us out of the goodness of his heart.  What a great home teacher!

The floor joists arrive!  They were unloaded in the middle of the driveway and it was a few days before we were ready to put them up.

This is how we did it...I told you it was late at night when we did this.

We used the tractor to lift all the double thick joists.  There were 3 or 4.  Then the next day we lifted all the single thick joists up 1 by 1.  That was a big job.  I don't know why I didn't take any pictures of that. I guess I was helping to make sure no one got hurt that I didn't think about it.

Here the Sheeting is arriving.  Those are the roof trusses to the right of the lift.  They'll come soon - after the second floor walls go up.

The view from below.

The view from above.

It's getting dark and Steve's still working.  It took him hours to screw it all down.  He was up there til 2:30 in the morning.

Love you Honey!


  1. I can't believe how much you are doing! I am dying to see it all done, it's going to be amazing!!

    Ps - seeing your mess makes me feel a little better about the mess that is MY house too! At least we're not alone! :)

  2. sadly i think i am becoming immune to the mess! haha! it should be coming to an end soon.

    so sorry about your's so much work isn't it. i hope you post some pics as you go along.

  3. YAY! I'm so happy for you guys! I'm glad you posted a link on facebook, can't wait to show this to Dan, he will love to see the updates. Looks like a huge production. When I come this summer, you'll be able to put me up in your new mansion!
