Friday, September 17, 2010

The BIG Guns

The next step in our adventure was to use a special saw to cut the cement pad at the front of the house. We needed to make room for our foundation. I did not take any pictures of this either. I know! What was I thinking?!! Basically it is like a circular saw but it has a diamond blade on it for cutting through concrete and re-bar. It was very loud (earplugs required) and very messy. The dust was crazy, so I helped by running the hose on the area. It took a couple hours but we finally got our 3 cuts made. We had to take about 3 feet off the north end of the slab and then about 2 feet on either side of the front door. The slab was removed and then the BIG excavators came to dig everything up. The kids loved this part!

Here goes the foundation from the Chimney Chase. It's out of the way, finally!

A huge THANK YOU to Shane and the guys from Jenex for all their help. You guys are awesome!

These next pictures are taken from out the front window of him breaking up the cement pad and digging the trench in the front for the new entrance foundation and footings. You can see the line where we cut in the second picture.

That's all for now folks. I tried 50 times to upload some video clips...but I'll have to learn how to make that work. For now, you'll just have to use your imaginations! =)

Next - Footings and Foundations!

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