Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Love/Hate Relationship

Just a quick post today...a little short on time.

I have a love/hate relationship with the following construction device.....

...the Air Compressor.  I Love to hear it running because that means things are happening and we are getting ever closer to being finished. But, it's soooo annoying!!  On and off, on and off, on and off!   Ugh!  Strangely, I have gotten used to the sound and don't really hear it when it's going.

We had an extra one here on the weekend while we were shingling the roof(pics to come soon), and I should have taken a picture of that one too.  It was extra FUN to have two going - taking turns turning on and off.  

I haven't heard it at all today and I hate to say it, but, I think I miss it!  Hahaha!  Never happy am I?

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly what you mean!!! I don't know how Rich can stand to work around it all day - it would drive me insane!!!
